Our painting crew, display exceptional levels of professionalism, customer satisfaction and reliability.
MRX Group painters offer a range of painting services which includes exterior and interior. We help you complete and achieve the desired look, and high quality finish that you require.
Our fully trained and experienced painters, pride themselves on the care and attention they give to every job. All surfaces are properly prepared, only the best quality paints and materials are used and all our work is 100% guaranteed.
You won’t regret selecting us to transform your property. Attention to detail is a hallmark of our work as residential & commercial painters, as any of our clients can attest to.
Get in contact with us today with your painting project.
“The team at MRX Group offered a great service, and and fantastic paint finish on the on our new showroom. ”
- All painters are licenced and insured.
- Experience and skill set, in the use of commercial and residential products and tools.
- All products are premium, warrented products.
- Warranty offered on all workmanship and paints.
- All works assessed for quality of workmanship.
- Availability of crews for large projects.
- All works carried out under the Australian standard safety regulations.